Our Curriculum 2024 - 2025
St. Andrew’s Curriculum
Our curriculum is based on the National Curriculum. We have developed our curriculum over recent years to ensure we not only meet but exceed the requirements of the National Curriculum in providing our pupils with a knowledge-rich education. The National Curriculum document shows the statutory objectives for the knowledge, skills and understanding that we teach at St. Andrew’s from Year 1 to Year 6.
At St. Andrew’s we offer a broad, balanced, rigorous curriculum for all our learners. Children in the Early Years Foundation Stage are taught using the EYFS framework with an emphasis on developing key skills, knowledge and understanding through direct teaching and structured continuous provision.
Our curriculum is designed with knowledge at its heart to ensure that children develop a strong vocabulary base and understanding of the world. The curriculum promotes long-term learning and we believe that progress means knowing more and remembering more for longer. We strive for our children to develop a growth-mindset and are resilient and persevere in all that they do. We live by the philosophy that if we cannot do something we cannot do it yet. We have developed a curriculum built on current research regarding how memory works to ensure that children are taught this in a way that ensures they can remember the curriculum content in future years.
Staff will endeavour to introduce, utilise and embed the popular ‘Windows, Mirrors, Doors’ strategy designed by Liz Mills to broaden and deepen understanding about spiritual learning, to encourage children to think about their learning experiences, to challenge them to ask searching questions and prompt them to consider some possible opportunities for response and how they can take their learning beyond the classroom and into the whole school community.
- A mirror so children can see themselves and their own experiences reflected in their learning.
- A window to consider on how their learning is about other people, places, things and experiences in the wider world
- A door to recognise how they can take their learning beyond the classroom.
At St Andrew’s our core syllabus 'Questful RE’ (developed by Blackburn Diocesan Board of Education) is used to deliver our Religious Education Curriculum, we aim to equip our children with the skills and knowledge to hold their own, informed conversations about faith and religion. Through this syllabus, we ensure the opportunity to develop a wide range of higher level skills such as enquiry, analysis, interpretation, evaluation and reflection, thus deepening children’s understanding of the impact of religion on the world and enabling them to express personal views with consideration and confidence. We supplement Questful RE with Understanding Christianity, a resource developed by the Church of England Education Office. We strive for our learning in RE to permeate throughout our whole curriculum.
In English, we teach a broad curriculum covering reading, writing, grammar and oracy. We follow the Lancashire County Council English units, and links are made as often as possible to our main History & Geography Learning Challenges. We also use No Nonsense spelling, No Nonsense Grammar and Nelson Handwriting schemes. At St. Andrew’s, we have a curriculum of high quality texts which are used throughout school that build children’s knowledge of literature and their reading ability in a structured way. We also study a range of both modern and classic fiction & poetry in our daily class reads.
All children will be given a reading book to take home and it is helpful if parents can make a brief comment in the child's reading record to let us know how they are getting on with their reading at home. We expect children to bring their reading books into school every day, and books are changed three times each week, on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Developing confident readers is always a school priority and we greatly appreciate parental support in this area. We are also very fortunate to benefit from a number of volunteers who are able to read with the children across the school. Children also read as part of a guided group read each week.
At St. Andrew’s, we follow the Red Rose Letters & Sounds phonics programme.
Reception and Key Stage 1 children have daily phonics lessons and have regular one to one reading sessions and guided reading sessions with an adult. During these sessions, we ensure the pupils are regularly practising and applying their phonic knowledge. The children take home reading books which match their current phonics level and they are encouraged to read regularly at home. In the EYFS, the continuous provision matches the pupils' current knowledge and understanding whilst ensuring the children are suitably challenged.
In Key Stage 2, we utilise the Lancashire County Council interventions ‘Fast Track Phonics’ and ‘Bounce Back Phonics’. Interventions are based around the gaps identified through teacher assessment and in pupil progress meetings. Lessons are quick in pace, well differentiated, engaging and challenging for all children within the lesson.
We use the White Rose Maths Plans and Progression Documents across school to ensure that there is appropriate breadth and depth in our maths curriculum. Pupils have lots of opportunities to practise the basic skills and memorise key number facts such as number bonds and times tables to help them develop greater fluency in their mathematical development. This is supplemented with various other rescoures, which are used to identify gaps in children’s skills, knowledge and understanding on a whole class and individual basis. There are also many opportunities for children to develop their mathematical reasoning and problem solving skills.
Art and Design
In art, pupils will learn about some of the most famous pieces of art that have been created and the artists that created them. They will also learn how to produce their own pieces of art in a range of different forms. We ensure pupils have lots of chances to practice the basic skills so that they are able to use their knowledge to create their own pieces of art as part of our broad and balanced curriculum linked closely to our Learning Challenges.
Design Technology
At St. Andrews, we have adapted the Primary Kapow Design Technology scheme of learning. Each project follows a 'design, make and evaluate' process and builds upon each pupil's prior knowledge, skills and understanding in Design Technology. Projects are based on the key areas of Food, Structures, Mechanisms and Textiles. Pupils are encouraged to have and interactive apporach towards Design Technology, consistently improving and adapting designs and products whilst considering the needs of users and impacts on the environment.
We base our Computing curriculum on the National Curriculum in the delivery of a skills based scheme of work which is supported by a wide range of resources and ensures pupils gain a solid grasp of the knowledge, skills and understanding needed to move onto further study at KS3.
History & Geography
At St. Andrew’s we have adopted and then adapted the Learning Challenge Curriculum which gives children access to broad knowledge in History and Geography. Cross curricular links are made to other subjects across the curriculum. We have a well sequenced programme that builds knowledge and vocabulary in a well thought out way which facilitates learning being remembered for the long term. Pupils use their studies in these subjects to develop their writing and many Learning Challenges will contain extended piece of writing for the children to write based on what they have learned. Many of our enrichment experiences are based on these areas of our curriculum. We have high expectations for what children will know and remember in each subject.
Our science scheme of work delivers the key learning of the National Curriculum including key vocabulary. We developed a bespoke knowledge rich science curriculum based on ASE guidelines were in order to meet the expectations, pupils must firstly understand key concepts before being provided with opportunities to apply their knowledge.
We currently use the well-respected Charanga scheme of learning for our music teaching throughout school. This is a well-structured programme of learning that builds pupils knowledge, skills and understanding in music giving them time to study important pieces of music and also to learn how to create music. Our children in Year 4 take part in a programme of intensive music tuition provided by specialist music teachers from Bolton Music Service, who also use Charanga, to help them learn the ukulele. These lessons are delivered once a week for one hour and the children have their own ukulele to use throughout the year.
Physical Education
Our PE curriculum is based around the Key PE Sports Scheme of work covering Athletics, Games, Dance, Gymnastics and Outdoor Adventure. We are supported by KEPT Fit to provide high quality PE for all year groups. Pupils in Y4 undertake an intensive block of swimming instruction. Any children who do not meet the requirements of the Swimming National Curriculum by the end of Y4 take part in sessions in Y5 and if needed Y6.
We teach a wide ranging PSHE curriculum including Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) using the Heart Smart Resources. Our PSHE curriculum is currently under review in preparation for the introduction of the new RSE curriculum in September 2020.
Our languages curriculum is delivered through the Kapow Primary Scheme. At St Andrew's we focus our language studies, primarily on French. Children in Key Stage 2 are taught the skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening centred around half termly themes which allow coherence and progression. Children in all classes also have the opportunity to undertake other language experiences including Chinese New Year and European Day of Languages.
Trips and Visits
Each year group has regular opportunities that enrich their curriculum and beyond. These include off site visits, visitors to school and residential experiences that not only enrich our curriculum but develop life skills and support SMSC
Our Curriculum Themes
Please see the year group pages for a broad overview of our curriculum in each year group.
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St Andrew's C.E. Primary School
Crescent Avenue,
Over Hulton,
Tel: 01204 332606
[email protected]