Welcome to Year 2! 


Year 2 are taught by Mrs Lee.

Year 2 are also very lucky to be brilliantly supported by Mrs Ahmed.


Our PE days are MONDAY and WEDNESDAY

Please wear the correct PE uniform to school on these days 

PE pumps should be kept in school for indoor P.E


Reading books are changed once a week on a THURSDAY

Homework is due in on a WEDNESDAY

Our library day is WEDNESDAY

Spellings are tested on a FRIDAY

Our Learning Challenges this year are...
  • What would Paddington Bear find exciting about London?
  • Why were Christopher Columbus and Neil Armstrong such brave people?
  • What started London burning?
  • Where would you prefer to live, England or Mexico?
  • What was it like when Queen Elizabeth II came to the throne?
  • Why do we love to be beside the seaside?